自助下单平台网站_html5软件下载电脑版_微商目前十大火爆产品_深圳百度推广优化 Website design and implementation of personal web page


With the continuous development of the Internet and the growing Internet population in China, the establishment of personal websites can not only show themselves, but also improve their ability in computer application. Therefore, for this assignment, I choose to make a website for personal web pages. When designing, individuals consider more personal interests and preferences than commercial display. The content focuses on reflecting the individual, so that the personal website can truly become a network business card to show itself.

The website development of personal web page adopts Java language and MVVM mode. MySQL is used as the main storage unit of background data, and the springboot framework is used to realize all the functions of the system. The website of personal tweed page has the functions of website information, personal tweed display and so on. The code reuse rate of this system is high, the cost of system maintenance is small, and it is convenient, flexible and efficient.

Key words:  Knowledge atlas; Springboot framework; database

目  录


Abstract II

第一章   5

1.1选题背景 5

1.2研究内容 6

第二章 开发工具及关键技术介绍 8

2.1J2EE技术 8

2.2 MVVM模式 8

2.3 B/S结构 9

2.4 MVVM模式介绍 9

2.5 Spring boot框架 10

2.6 Mysql数据库 11

2.7 B/S体系工作原理 11

2.8 Vue.js 主要功能 11

第三章 系统分析 12

3.1需求分析 12

3.2可行性分析 12

3.2.1技术可行性:技术背景 12

3.2.2经济可行性 13

3.2.3操作可行性 13

3.3性能分析 13

3.4系统操作流程 14

3.4.1用户登录流程 14

3.4.2信息添加流程 14

3.4.3信息删除流程 15

第四章 系统设计与实现 17

4.1系统架构设计 17

4.2开发流程设计 18

4.3数据库设计 18

4.3.1实体ER 19

4.3.2 数据库逻辑设计 19

4.3.3数据表 20

第五章 系统实现 27

5.1用户前台功能模块(前端) 27

5.2管理员功能模块(后端) 32

第六章  系统的测试 36

6.1 测试目的 36

6.2 测试方案设计 36

6.2.1 测试策略 36

6.2.2 测试分析 36

6.3 测试结果 37


参考文献 39







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